Monday, January 25, 2010

Don't you think it's just so funny.....

When people lie to you, but think you don't know it? I mean how stupid are people? You get so used to lying that you think everyone believes whatever you say? yeah right, you just keep believing that shit. Wait until you get lied to and see how you like those! Or are you already? lol Maybe some day you'll find out. But just think about one thing: what kind of happiness can you get with lies? Will it keep you warm at night? Take care of you when you're sick? When you're broken in every way? When every one you know has turned their back on you, everyone you thought loved you, are those lies gonna comfort you? Because you will be alone and those lies will be all that you have left.


  1. Girl you are whacked out of your everlovin mind! Speaking of lies, maybe you should look at those closest to you (I know it's kinda hard to see when you have your blinders on) that those you believe the most have been the ones deceiving YOU all along.

  2. Really? lmao Don't you think I know that and it is towards someone very close to me? :D But you are so egotistical that you thought it was about you.

  3. Nah, never thought it was about me. Just funny you post a blog about lies, considering you live with them a LOT! Just remember, "People never change, they just become more of who they really are".

  4. Well I should hope so. I don't know what makes you think I'm blind, but I'm definitely not. I'm just very patient. And observant. I know a lot of what goes on around me. Just because I choose not to fight with someone doesn't mean I don't know. It's actually funny when people think they are so smart, and everyone believes them. I just like to bide my time, planning takes time you know. I also like having hard evidence in my hands. lol
