Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Researching my Vance ancestry.

I have been so excited about finding new (well new to me) information on tracing the Vance name all the way backk to 33 BC! To de Baux. Well here is an excerpt from the book!

The de Bauxs also claim descendancy from the Magi King, Balthazar, one of the wise men following the star to Bethlehem upon the birth of Jesus. To make sure everyone understood their relationship to Balthazar and the birth of Jesus, the de Bauxs carried the symbol of the star of Bethlehem on the arms and armor they bore in tournaments as well as in battle. It was also on their coins and in wall hangings decorating their castle. Written on the tomb of Raymond de Baux (who many think is the direct ancestor of the Vances) is, “To the illustrious family of des Baux held to derive its ori gin from the ancient King of Armenia to whom

under the guidance of a star, the Saviour of the world manifested himself”.

the Magi

There were three --Balthazar, Melchior, and Gaspar – also known as Kings

the three wise men. The Bible, in Matthew 2:1¡12, tells the story of them.

This was some info that no one else in my family had heard of yet so I was very excited to have found it!