Saturday, December 19, 2009

An awesome list that every woman should memorize!

I found this amazing list that is from the book "He's just not that into you" I think every woman should read this list and memorize it! Remember it! Very important and simple facts that for some reason no matter how intelligent we are, we seem to forget simple facts. It's like the hormones flood our brains and blind us! :D So anyways here we go!:

What you should have learned in this chapter:

1: He's married!
2: Unless he's all yours, hes still hers!
3: There are cool single men in the world. Find one of them to go out with.
4: If a guy is yelling about an ex wife or crying about his last girlfriend, try to find someone else to take you to the movies
5: He's married
6: Don't be that girl
7: You are not easily forgotten let him find you when he's ready.