Friday, November 6, 2009

Do you think it's possible to grow new teeth?

Well I have always thought other animals do it. Hey, I did it when I lost my "Baby
" teeth didn't I? So why can't I regrow again? Don't you wish you could too?
Guess what? Others have too, and it's possible! Yay! Ehem. sorry about that. Got a little excited. Because let's face my teeth are breaking. No matter how healthy I eat. NO matter what toothpaste I use my gums bleed. Ok seems to me that there is no good toothpaste it all hurts. So I found this site and what do you know, he wanted to know too. I hope this info will interest all of you as much as it did me! I just wish I could afford the ultrasound massage device :(

ok so here are the links.....

click here




